Summer has set in with its
usual severity. And this is just
to keep you cool!
What did the pig say at the
beach on a hot summer’s day?
‘I’m bacon!’
And you know what do frogs
like to drink on a hot summer
After winning trick one in hand South was rather imaginative. It looked like he had no chance.
When south would play a
trump, East would win with the
♠A, shift to his singleton heart,
receive a heart ruff and cash
the ♣A.
In order to make it look like it’s
a singleton, South led the ♥8
from hand at trick two. West
won with the ♥A and thought
that south has the singleton,
not East. West hoped his
partner has the ♣AQ and
shifted to that suit. And south
was home!
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Twitter ID :@HemaDeora
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