The above, very informative and interesting deal is sent by our very dear friend Deepak Parekh, who is busier than the Bee! But, he always makes it a point to send me these interesting hands so I can share with my readers. [and help them improve their game too!]
When North used Stayman, East doubled a conventional lead-directional bid. When South ended in 3NT, West led ♣6. Declarer played low from dummy and East put in ♣9. South won with ♣K and led ♠2. West hopped up with ♠a and led ♣3 and now East took the next four club tricks.
Should North use Stayman? He has strong hand with stoppers in each suit and his doubleton heart is ace-high. There are certainly hands South could hold where 4♠ makes and 3NT does not, but raising directly to 3NT is probably right the majority of the time. If North doesn’t use Stayman, but simply raises to 3NT, or if East does not double north’s 2♣ bid, West would lead ♥10 and 3NT would make easily.
Expert players manage to slip in crucial information whenever they can, and it makes a big difference!
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