Sunday, 10 June 2018

Niggardly Way

With the hike in fuel prices one would like to go the niggardly way. But, certainly not when it comes to playing the bridge deal. 

South played today’s game in a niggardly way. And with his false economy, he managed to turn a makable game into a losing effort. 

West’s ♠k held, and West continued with the ♠4 after East had encouraged with the ♠8. East won the ♠a and returned the ♠3, and defenders had the first four tricks. West exited with a heart. 

South allowed dummy’s ♥k to hold and thereby fell from grace. When no singleton ♦k appeared, South was forced to concede down one. 

South had his eyes on the wrong goal. True, he would have had nine tricks had he won the ♥a and ♥k separately. However, since there was no reasonable way to achieve that end without the loss of another trick, South should have ‘wasted’ his ♥a in trade for an entry to his hand. 

When West shifted to a heart at trick five, South should have overtaken dummy’s king with his ace and tried the diamond finesse. When the finesse succeeds, South collects two diamond winners, just enough to score his game.

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