Sunday, 24 December 2017

You Can Find Your Way

In the above deal West has definitely found the best lead, a trump, which can prevent your ruffing a losing heart in dummy. As declarer, you count your losers, two hearts and two clubs. If you could get to dummy, you would be able to make ten tricks by throwing one of your losers on the A. But how can you do that? 

The hand can be made. There is a simple winning line, which nevertheless is difficult to perceive. After winning the opening trump lead in hand, south should lead Q instead of the deuce! 

This simple play ensures the contract. If east takes the K and continues with a trump (best), you can make the contract with two hearts, six spades, a diamond and a club. If east ducks the Q, you will make eleven tricks! You continue with the A, Ruff a heart and discard a loser on the A. Your losers will be only two clubs. 

Wish you a merry Christmas!

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