Sunday, 3 December 2017

Safe & Sure

Hi folks! ‘Apro’ Dara is back like a migratory bird, and, he has got another juicy deal for us. 

West’s ♣J lead was covered by dummy’s ♣Q, East’s ♣K and declarer’s ♣A. For safe and sure play, South should cash now A and draw three rounds of trumps, playing AK and then low heart to dummy’s J. From the table, declarer leads Q and, when East plays low, he should discard his losing ♣4. West will win and try to cash ♣10, but declarer can ruff this in hand, cross to dummy by playing ♠A and ruffing a spade, and then use J10 to discard his two spade losers. This method is almost completely safe and ensures that the vulnerable slam is brought home. 

There once was a player 
from Beirut, 
who thought he would 
try to be cute. 
He overcalled a spade, 
And, died as he played. 
The postmortem: 
A four-card suit.

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Twitter ID  : @HemaDeora

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