Sunday, 10 December 2017

You are Still Alive

One hates to see a 29 point-hand go down the tubes — especially, when there is a nine card fit. 

South draws trump in two rounds and has to decide how to proceed. It must be right to tackle diamond while you still have a club ruff entry to dummy. So, south plays the diamond Ace and a low diamond to the Jack. The good news was that the diamond Jack wins the trick. The bad news was that east pitches a club on the second diamond. 

South was still alive if east has a marriage in spades. South plays the club AKQ discarding a spade from dummy and then the spade Ace and a spade. If east has to take the trick, he will have to surrender a ruff and sluff allowing south to pitch his diamond Q while ruffing in dummy. 

Do not take life seriously, you will never get out of it alive! 

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