Sunday, 10 December 2017

No Champagne

Playing the weak no-trump, and being at favourable vulnerability, Zio decided he would try 1NT with six heart tricks, hoping to catch his opponents off guard.  Perhaps he had a beautiful kibitzer he was trying to impress as well.  Okay, it wasn't a good start, but the rest is definitely amazing.

South, the straight man, jumped 3 forcing.  If North had now bid 3, it would have meant a cue bid in support of diamonds.  So North was forced back into no-trump.  Over the natural 4♣ bid, North again was fixed. Four hearts would definitely sound like a cue bid in support of clubs, so Zia was forced into a 4 preference.  The 4 bid really put Zia in the hot seat. He knew it was a void! So he bid 5 hoping partner would give up.

The story has an unhappy ending for our hero, as his partner bid six diamonds, and Zia, after all, did have to lay down the dummy, (he actually ordered champagne on the condition that his partner would make the hand).  West led a spade and declarer ruffed the second Spade, led a club to the Queen, took two discards on the hearts and called for the ten of diamonds.  East carefully covered, and the slam was doomed.  So there was no champagne either.

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