Sunday, 26 March 2017

Your Best Chance

And now, spring is in the air! Spring is the season of flowers and scented breeze (impossible in Mumbai), which gladdens the hearts! 

The bidding marks West with at least 5-5 in the minors and it is a pretty safe bet that the ♣A is with West. Therefore you have a potential spade loser and three club losers. 

Your best chance is to use the spades to discard losing clubs. You cannot afford to play spades before trumps are drawn, as there is some risk that West, with a freak twosuiter in the minor is void in spades. If you take the A and draw trumps, you cannot come to more than two tricks in spades. 

The successful line is most elegant, first, let the K win. When West continues diamonds (best), play low again from dummy and ruff in hand. Then draw trumps via K and a heart to dummy, followed by the ♠Q, East will play low and the ♠Q wins. Now play the A and discard the ♠A. 

Next comes the ♠J and you ruff when East plays the King. A trump to dummy then allows you to cash the remaining spade winners on which you discard clubs. You lose just one diamond and one club and score seven hearts, three spades and one diamond.

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