In above deal West
led ♣7 and when dummy’s
ten held the trick the first hurdle was overcome – there were now seven to
tricks. A diamond to the King allowed
the declarer to lead a low spade and play the King – and then there were eight!
Returning to hand with the ♣K south cashed the
♦Q and ♦A. The ♠9 was led and West had to overtake his
partner’s Jack to avoid the endplay in hearts.
The ♣Q returned.
By now South was
almost certain that West had a 4-1-3-5 shape. So he won the ♣A, cashed the ♥A and exited with ♣5 and then there were nine!!
West won but he had
to concede the last trick with the ♠6 to declarer’s ♠10.
I once bid a
tightener double,
And my partner went
into a huddle,
He found the wrong
So the slam did
And a bottom I got
for My Trouble!!
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Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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