In a team game West led ♣A
and East played the ♣9 so
West knows East doesn’t have
the ♣Q. West guesses to shift
to a heart and this lead allowed
South to take the rest of tricks.
Twelve tricks.
When South compared with his
teammates, he found that they
defeated 3NT, doubled to boot.
The bidding was different at
the other table. South was
playing weak no-trumps and
was obliged to open with 1♣.
North bid 2NT and South
continued to game. West
doubled to tell East to lead a
club (dummy’s first bid
suit).East did just that by
leading the ♣9 and West took
the first five tricks for down
Bridge is a game of skill, but it
is also a game of luck. As the
expression goes, sometimes
you win, and sometimes you
Life’s a game, sometimes you
win, sometimes you lose. But
no matter what your cards in
life, whether club, spade or
diamond, always remember
– never play without a heart!
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