Sunday, 12 March 2017

The Winning Line

Today is Holi, known to the world as the festival of colours. It’s one of the major festivals of India and is celebrated with enthusiasm and gaiety on the full moon day.  It marks the arrival of spring, a season of hope and joy. 

‘Apro’ Dara has given this deal as a real brain teaser. So get your grey cells activated. And spot the winning line! 

West led 3, which South won with the Q. He then cashed the ♣AK and led 2 for the finesse. East won K and returned a heart to South’s A. Now, South couldn’t produce an extra club trick as West would win the ♣Q and cash the rest of the heart tricks. 

The winning line is after cashing the ♣AK, he should play a diamond to the ace. Now, declarer can lead the ♣J and, when it comes to a discard from his hand, he should throw A! This frees everything up. If West continues with hearts, dummy wins the third round and two club winners can be cashed; if West switches to spades, there is time to lose a diamond to K and still return to dummy with a winning diamond. This way, nothing can stop South from making two spades, two hearts, A and four club tricks. 

Let the colours of Holi spread the message of peace and happiness.

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