Today is the finale of the
Willingdon Sports club bridge
tournament which has been on
for the last three days. Deepak
Podar has worked very hard to
make this event a great
success. Kudos to Deepak!
West led ♦J. South has a loser
in each suit, plus a second in
diamonds. He could ruff one
diamond in dummy and then
take the trump finesse, but this
fails. Two ruffs in dummy is
unsuccessful since an over-ruff
is inevitable.
To succeed, South must reject
any idea of trumping a
diamond in dummy yet,
preserving all three trumps
there. At trick one, South
should win and lead ♠6 from
hand, playing low from dummy
Whatever West leads next,
South can win, cash two top
hearts and play ♠K and ♠A. If
and when West ruffs, it is with
his natural trump winner, and
there is now a trump left in
dummy. This allows South to
ruff a diamond and cash spade
winner, pitching his little
diamond from hand.
Above deal is courtesy ‘Apro’
Dara. A friend in need is a
friend indeed!
A happy partnership is a
matter of give and take. You
give in and your partner takes
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