Of all the special joys in life, The big ones and the small, A mother’s
love and tenderness Is the greatest of them all. In the above deal at the
rubber bridge game South was the declarer in 3NT. North was a modest
underbidder and South was the kind of player whose sheer blind luck cancelled
out his inept play.
West led ♠K.
South spent two minutes counting his winners and another two minutes
recounting them. Amazingly the total came to nine both times, so he began to
plan for a glorious overtrick. “He’ll go down for sure,’ thought the West, who
was watching. As he realized that the clubs are
going to be blocked.
South took the first trick with the ♠A and immediately
played the ♠J.
It never occurred to him that West might have led from a
sixcard suit. The west reeled off four spade winners, and South discarded from
his hand two hearts and, after pulling out the ♥10 and pushing it back again, a club!
“Did I make an overtrick?” asked the South.
“No,” replied the North, "But you made your contract.” “With sheer luck,”
he added under his breath. Accidentally, but actually South made an unblocking
God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers!!
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ID : @HemaDeora
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