A friend in need is a friend indeed! Just when I was scratching my brain
to get my grey cells activated to produce an interesting deal to my readers
this week, our dear friend Deepak Parekh sent me this simple, prosaic and breathtakingly
beautiful hand on master play!
West led the ♠9;
South took the ♠A
in dummy. Due to defender’s foresight, this cold contract went down.
When declarer led a diamond at trick two, he inserted the ♦J from
hand. West won the trick with ♦A and led a second spade. South won the ♠K.
Now, “knowing” that the diamond finesse was right,
declarer led a second diamond to finesse East for the ♦Q. When East showed out, South was shocked — andwas unable to get back to dummy to take the
club finesse.
West realized that the diamond lay badly for declarer, but any other
finesse from dummy should succeed, so he hid the trump queen and persuaded South
to take the wrong finesse. Beautiful indeed!
Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know
they're always there!
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