Today is the Labour Day. Let’s celebrate the labour that built up this
great land From field to field, desk to desk, they built it hand in hand!
South got to a cold looking 3NT and received the lead of the ♥5. East signaled that he liked hearts. Winning the ♥K, South led to his ♠Q only to find that West was void. In order to improve his chances of getting
nine tricks, he must win the heart and take a diamond finesse. This looses and
the defenders continue hearts, forcing out South’s last stopper. Now is the
time to try the spades. When they don’t work, South cashes his four spade
winners and leads another diamond from dummy. When East’s ♦K come up, South has his nine tricks.
If today is Labour Day, how many babies were born?
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ID : @HemaDeora
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