Sunday, 15 May 2016

Save The Game

Over this weekend, there is Nandu Oke memorial Bridge Tournament at the newly decorated venue, Lokmanya Seva Sangh at Parle. Nandu Oke was one of the ardent bridge players, apparently passed away just a few years ago at the bridge table while holding his cards.

May his soul rest in peace.

Today’s hand sets off a study how South can save the game! West led the Q and continued with the J. South ruffed the second diamond and played his K. It was reasonable for South to play the first round of trumps. Now South should cash his high clubs and ruff a club in dummy. He should enter his hand via the K and ruff his last club, and now it's a safe to lead that second round of trumps. West would take this, of course, but he now has no effective options. West would punch South with another diamond, but South ruffs comfortably, draws the last trump and claims his ten tricks.

Drawing trumps is generally a matter of high priority.

Choose your priorities in life, and nothing can ever knock you out!

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