AMIDST a Long spell of bad cards,
it is easy to fall into the rhythm of mindlessly following suit. However, the
brilliance of bridge is that at any time one meticulous play can transform not
only the fate of the contract, but your entire score.
West led ♥9 and
East took his Ace and returned ♥7. South
won, drew trumps and then led ♦7.
West played low: declarer tried ♦10 from
dummy and East won with ♦K. East
played ♥Q, which
declarer trumped. Now, South led his diamond nine and West rose with diamond
Ace. However, when West led a club, declarer could rise with Ace and discard
his club Queen on the established diamond Queen, securing his contract.
When the diamond is first led,
West must rise with diamond Ace and switch to a club. Now, if declarer plays low
from dummy, he loses the trick and, if he rises, he has lost his crucial entry
back to dummy.
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