Finally, monsoon is here for Mumbaikars. Parched earth welcomes it after a long summer.
AT the table, when East played low, declarer won with ♠K, crossed to dummy with ♣A and led ♦Q for the finesse.When West won ♦K and led ♠7, South couldn’t avoid losing four further spade tricks, and was therefore defeated.
The diamond suit is key: if the finesse is right, all is easy but, if West holds ♦K, South would want him to have no further spades to lead. So, South can afford to duck the first trick. Because West cannot hold more than two spades since East had bid 1♠.
West will lead his second spade and East’s ♠A will take South’s ♠K, but now, if East leads another spade, dummy’s ♠10 becomes a stopper.
This deal is courtesy, ‘Apro’ Dara.
What do you get if you mix ducks with fireworks??
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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