NO matter what the weather is like, when you get the juicy deal from ‘Apro’ Dara straight from Washington DC. It really brightens your Sunday.
In the above deal, South jumped to show decent values and West prudently opted to defend rather than bidding on. West was vulnerable but sitting over South with a strong hand. The risk was high for only a small possible gain.
West could count four defensive tricks. Since West hand contained only one trump, he focused on his partner’s trump length, even if low, might be promoted into a trick.
West continued with ♦K and then ♦J. Declarer trumped with ♣J in dummy. South led ♠2 to his ♠J in hand. West grabbed his ♠A and laid down a fourth diamond. Now, to avoid dummy’s ♣6 being over-ruffed, declarer had to ruff with dummy’s ♣K. When trumps split 4-1 declarer gave up ♥A, finally conceding the fourth round of trumps to East’s beautifully promoted ♣8.
A happy partnership is a matter of give and take. You give in and your partner takes the credit.
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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