Sunday, 18 November 2018

A Free Finesse

Today is the 5th Mohan Advani Memorial Bridge tournament at Bombay Gymkhana under Dr Subbarao’s kind and efficient supervision. We fondly remember Mohan and his quiet and gentle ways towards his bridge partner as well as his opponents. His charming wife Guddi and dapper son, Amit, always sponsor this tournament generously and make sure Mohan ‘amar rahe’. 

In the above deal South took his A and cashed one of dummy’s trumps and A. Then he led a trump to his hand and took a ruffing finesse in diamonds by leading the Q. When West didn’t cover, South discarded dummy’s remaining heart. East won his K and returned a heart, ruffed by dummy. Success now rested with finding the Q. 

Had South held three small diamonds instead of QJ10, he would not have been tempted by the ruffing finesse. To succeed, South must win the A, cash dummy’s A, and ruff his two remaining diamonds, using the trump suit for entries. After the elimination in trump and diamonds, South exits with a heart and the defense is stuck. Regardless of who wins the trick, South enjoys either a ruff and sluff or a free finesse! South can claim his 12 winners. 

Goodbyes are only for those Who love with their eyes, Because for those who love With heart and soul there is no such thing as separation

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