Tomorrow onwards Diwali,
the festival of lights, will be
celebrated across India with
joy and happiness. Fireworks,
sweets and family gatherings
are important parts of this
West led the ♣2, it’s unlikely
to be from a three-card holding.
The right line that will
succeed is when the three card
diamond holding lies with West.
After drawing trumps, South
should cash the ♦A and ♦K,
discarding the ♠A. And then,
South could ruff the diamonds
good, cash ♣K (just in case
West has a second club), and
lead his remaining spade
towards the ♠Q. The club losers
in the South hand can then be
thrown on the long diamonds.
When nothing is going right,
go left.
Wishing my readers ‘A Very
Happy and Safe Diwali’.
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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