Sunday, 11 November 2018

The Right Guess

And finally, in Mumbai there’s nip in the air! But this ‘Senorita’ did care to play her hand well. 

After a swift and simple auction, Senorita sitting in South had to make the right guess when the East led the 3. The problem was really not diamonds. It was spades. 

She wanted to decrease the chance of East winning the lead and shifting to a spade through her King. Obviously, if East has the A South cannot keep him off lead, but if he has the Q, South can. For that reason South went up with the K. If the K had lost to the Ace the Senorita would have had to sweat out the spade position. So the Senorita did make the right guess. 

We spend our lives guessing what’s going on inside everybody else, and when we happen to get lucky and guess right, we think we ‘understand’. Such nonsense!

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