Sunday, 14 January 2018

Then Winning Move

Today, every Maharashtrian must be enjoying the festival of Makar Sankranti, exchanging plates of tilgul with each other. this is a harvest festival and perhaps the only Indian festival whose date always falls on the same day every year - January 14.  I pray people restrain from kite flying with glass coated 'manja'. , so as not to injure our innocent, fine, free-feathered friends. God save them.

west's vulnerable preempt advertised a very long suit, so South knew enough to expect West to hold distributional values.  Had south cashed both high trumps, expecting a 2-2 break, he would have had no chance. four losers would have been unavoidable.

The winning move is to win the A and take immediate trump finesse at trick two.  When it wins, South gives West a heart trick but he retains control.  If West leads a third heart, dummy ruffs with the K and another trump finesse picks up the trump suit.  (If West doesn't exit in hearts, South ruffs one high himself).  This limits South's losers to a heart and one trick in each minor, bringing him ten winners and game.

The dove is not ready to fly,
Not ready yet for goodbye,
Many dreams must fulfill,
have shown not his best skill!

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