Sunday, 21 January 2018

A Little Ploy

Was truly and pleasantly surprised to receive this amazing hand from our dear friend Deepak Parekh for us to enjoy the ploy. 

South was hilariously funny, irreverent, kind, a sensational natural player, and totally bonkers. His favourite story against himself was the time he rectified the count by ducking the first trick — in 7NT! He was South, of course, and his little ploy in the auction not only serves to increase the chances of playing 5DBL, but also ensures that partner leads a club if the opponents bid on. West’s lead of the ♣A was perhaps ill-considered, but you can see where it’s coming from. South ruffed and tabled the K, covered by west and ruffed in dummy. ♣K was cashed and another club ruffed in hand. The Q won the next trick, a heart was ruffed in dummy and another club ruff and heart ruff went well. 

With eight tricks in front of him, and A10 facing KJ, three more were needed. He exited with a spade. The defense won and shifted to a trump. Having won a cheap trick with the J, a high crossruff produced the missing two tricks. 

Never refuse when you 
can confuse, 
distraction and delay are 
always better than 

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