Sunday, 7 January 2018

How To Reach Dummy

This really juicy deal is courtesy ‘Apro’ dara. It’s a new year gift for all of us! 

The declarer has four losers, a spade, a heart, a diamond and a club. He hopes one finesse should work. How could South reach dummy to finesse any? 

Declarer should win J with A and cash a second diamond. Then he should play the Q and discard a club from dummy. East would ruff and would shift to ♣9. South should rise with ♣A and play his 2, discarding a second club from dummy when West wins. Now nothing can stop South from ruffing ♣Q in dummy safely and then being able to take the winning spade finesse.  

Declarer has no choice, East would have never led away from ♣K, so that finesse would have doomed. The only access to dummy was via the club ruff, so taking the free club finesse is a losing proposition on both counts. 

A polish bridge player went to apply for a driver’s license but first, of course, he had to take an eyesight test. the optician showed him a card with the letters: c Z W i X n o s t A c Z “can you read this?” The optician asked. “Read it?” The polish guy replied, “I know the guy, he plays bridge.

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