The last three days saw the
Willingdon Sports Club hold
the 4th Annual National Level
Bridge Tournament. It was a
very successful event under
the Tournament Committee Chairman Deepak Poddar and
members Manek Hiranandani
and Vinod Nevatia.
And now, ‘Apro’ Dara strikes
again! With this tricky deal!
South risked 7♥ and all
passed out. West led the ♣K and when dummy hit, south
seemed to have won his
gamble. But south discarded
his spade loser on the ♦A and
drew trumps. When he next
took the ♦A, East discarded
and finally West got a diamond
trick. Down one!
To guard against the diamond
break, South should have
pitched the ♦10 on the ♣A
and drawn the trumps. He
could have taken the ♦AKQ,
led a trump to dummy, ruffed
a diamond and got back with a
trump to discard a spade on
the fifth diamond and won the
lucky gamble.
Life consists not in holding
good cards but in playing
those you hold well!
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