On ♥10 lead from West, there
is much to consider. With two
spades and two hearts, south
will have to dislodge both ♣A
and ♦A to succeed.
It is very tempting to try ♥J at
trick one. if the finesse loses,
south is likely to be defeated.
East would win and return a
heart; West later would win a
minor suit Ace, clear the
hearts, and cash his winners
when he would take his
second minor suit Ace.
Thus, it’s better to play low
from dummy and beat West’s
♥10 with ♥A. South should
attack a minor suit – probably
diamonds. If East hold ♦A, the
heart position is perfectly
guarded. As it is, West wins
and leads a second heart.
time, south could risk the
finesse. Even though East
would win this, crucially, he
now would have no heart to
return and the suit cannot be
cleared. Whatever he would
play, south would have the
time to push out ♣A, and
claim 10 tricks.
This interesting deal is
courtesy ‘Apro Dara’!
We wish him happy Bridging
and a happy new year!
When temptation knocks,
imagination usually answers.
Blog : http://www.hemadeora.blogspot.in
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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