Sunday, 20 August 2017

Some Detective Work

This is the time that kicks in the festive season in India. We just wrapped up Raksha Bandhan last week, a festival that cements the bond between a brother and a sister.  
It being a holiday, my friend and neighbour organised a rubber bridge game. An elderly gentleman sitting south, with keen penetrating eyes and one of those jutting chin picked up the above cards, his hands trembling like leaves. Soon enough he was a declarer for the slam. 

West led the ♠J, East won the ♠A and returned the ♠4 and south won the ♠K. Realising the slam will depend on the trump suit, south did some detective work. He played a club to dummy and a low diamond. East quickly played the K, which was ruffed by south. Placing East with ♠AQ and K and a passed hand, it was extremely unlikely that East would have the K. hoping the West has the singleton K, south played the A and when the king fell, his chin pushed itself out another couple of inches claiming the contract. 

I was really dazzled by his miraculous card reading at this age! 

I think age is strictly a case of mind over matter, if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.

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