The above deal was played by our senior bridge director, Mr. Anant Bhagwat, who recently became a national director. Last week, he launched his third bridge book, titled Mr. Badhir Returns.
Mr. Bhagwant was the declarer sitting South. With the bidding misunderstanding between him and his partner, he landed in a most obnoxious contact of 4-2 trump fit!
West led the ♦K and as the dummy came down, Mr. Bhagwat started adjusting his glasses to find if any spades were missing in the dummy. Counting and recounting 13 cards and realising he is on a downing street, he mulled over matters again and again. He won the lead in hand and ruffed a diamond in dummy came to hand with ♣A and ruffed another diamond. He cashed the ♥A and exited with a ♥Q. East won and backed ♥10. South ruffed with the ♠9. Mr. Bhagwat, avoiding the club finesse cashed the ♣K and ruffed a heart with ♠J. He then exited with a club and waited motionless, the way a spider waits for a fly. Whatever East or West played, South got his last 9th and 10th trick making an impossible contract.
Unfortunately there was no reward for our dear director's splendid efforts as 5♥ was a cold contract on any defence.
Well played, Mr. Bhagwat!.
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