Today Otters Club is holding a
Bridge tournament dedicated
to the fond memory of Dr Tara Tekchandani. Tara means a
star and Dr Tara was a real
shining star. She was the
pioneer of the weekly bridge
tournament on Mondays at Otters Club. Very dedicated
and committed to the game, a
warm and compassionate
human being she was. Good
samaritan, Mr Chandu Bijlani
has organised this event, while
her charming daughter Bina
has sponsored the prize
East’s 1Nt showed a hand that
would open 1Nt-15-17 high
card points and a club
stopper. The double by south
was for penalty. North didn’t
have much for defense, so he
pulled out to 2♣ and now
south bid 3Nt.
The right timing can be critical
when there are several fragile
suit combinations and several
tricks to lose before you can
establish the winners you
require to make your contract.
East is marked with almost all
the outstanding high cards.
South should win the ♠A at
trick one. Since East is marked
with the ♠k and play a club
towards the ♣q, East could
win the ♣k or duck and win a
club later, but, it is too late for
him to set up the heart tricks.
Dear tara,
twinkle, twinkle, twinkle star,
often I wonder, how you are!
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Twitter ID : @HemaDeora