Sunday, 9 July 2017

A Ruffing Finesse

‘Apro’ dara is back in ‘Apla Bharat,’ enjoying the monsoon and the wild bridge. As usual with a juicy deal for all us, all the way from Washington DC. 

When north showed jump preference, south felt that north was denying any values in hearts and spades, so south bid the slam directly. When West led the K, south summed up his position: He could take either the spade finesse or the diamond finesse? He pondered, shifting in his chair amid his indecision. 

The reality is that south should not take any finesse in the traditional way, but combined his chances with a ruffing finesse and loser on loser play. South wins the lead and draws two rounds of trumps. He played 7 to A and led Q from dummy.  If East cover withK south ruffs and later discards7 on a winning diamond. If East plays low, declarer throws 7 from hand anyway. Even if West could win he couldn’t cash a heart trick. Now south’s ♠QJ6 could all be discarded on the remaining winning diamonds. 

It’s best if you can do things with a sense of humor and finesse!

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