When the opponents play a
forcing defense you always
wish you had an extra trump
or two.
West leads the ♦5. You play
low from dummy and East
wins the ♦J and continues
with the Ace and you ruff, West
playing the ♦7. You continue
with the ♠A, ♠K and fortune is
with you – both opponents
follow and only the ♠J is at
large. now what?
Assuming you have a club
loser, you can’t draw their last
trump before leading a heart.
East can win the ♥A and play a
fourth diamond promoting
West’s ♠J to the setting trick.
But, if you knock out the heart
first, consider the difference.
East wins and plays a diamond
which you ruff. now play the
♣A and ♣K just in case East
has a singleton or doubleton
Queen. if East has QX and 2-3-
6-2 hand pattern, you make an
overtrick. if West has the QXX,
the best he can do is win a
third club and exit a heart to
dummy. now all you have to
do is return to our hand with a
spade and take your
remaining clubs.
Blog : http://www.hemadeora.blogspot.in
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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