Sunday, 16 April 2017

No Loss But May Gain

North-South soon reached the contract of 5♣. West continued with the ♥K at trick two. There were two certain losers a club and spade finesse. 

South took good five minutes and played to the perfection. Perhaps, he analyzed if West has both the ♥AK, obviously some club shortness and has failed to bid. West’s silence suggests that East probably has both ♣A and ♠K. This could give South a slightly better, albeit marginal, chance for an endplay. 

Clearly, East has the heart length while West has the heart strength. South did the best thing possible. Trumped the second heart and played ♦AK. Trumped a diamond in the dummy with the ♣6 and then led a club. East had a singleton ♣A and no more diamonds, he was end played. East, on winning the ♣A, must lead a spade or return a heart, permitting South to discard a spade while ruffling in the dummy. 

South’s partial elimination came with a no-loss and a lot of gain. ‘You must lose everything in order to gain anything!’ 

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