Sunday, 23 April 2017

A Desperation Lead

East plays the ♠J and South the ♠A. South led a low club to the ♣Q and ♣K by East. East returned a spade to dummy’s ♠Q. South continued with a low club to the ♣9 and West took it with the ♣10. West exited with a trump (it doesn’t matter what West led at this point), to dummy’s A. 

South cashed the K, crossed to the §A and when clubs divided 3-3, South was home. South continued to dummy’s J, discarded his last spade on the established club, and conceded a diamond. 

Unnecessary was the desperation lead! One spade, one diamond and two club losers, down one! 

Never allow yourself to be so desperate that you end up settling for far less than what you deserve!

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