West led the ♥K and South can
count on seven trump winners,
dummy’s ♥A and one diamond
trick. South needn’t be genius
to realize that the defenders
will duck the first diamond lead
to prevent him from running
the suit. With the ♣A almost
assuredly behind the ♣K, how
would South manage this
formidable task?
The first step is to duck the ♥K
lead. Then win the dummy’s ♥A
continuation and third round of
hearts should be ruffed in the
hand. Then trumps should be
drawn in three rounds and
South should lead a diamond
to dummy’s ♦9, West ducking!
If South continues diamonds,
the defense is easy. West will
win and exit safely in hearts
and would wait for South to
lead clubs.
However, if South leads
dummy’s fourth heart and
ruffs, he can catch West in an
unavoidable trap. South now
will lead his second diamond,
and West is helpless. If he
ducks, it’s declarer’s tenth
trick, if he wins, West must lead
away from his ♣A, allowing
South’s ♣K to score a trick.
“A mouse trap placed on top of
your alarm clock will prevent
you from rolling over and going
back to sleep”
Blog : http://www.hemadeora.blogspot.in
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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