Sunday, 26 June 2016

Turn Your Attention

The jump rebid to 3NT shows a long, usually solid minor, and can be made with a singleton, possibly a void, in partner’s suit.

Although it is unlikely that East will switch to a club, you should not take any chances. Win the first heart.

At trick two, play a high diamond. If West shows out, unblock the 8 or 9 from dummy. Now lead a low spade to dummy’s King and play 9, which East covers. No problem. Win the diamond, overtake your Q with the Ace and lead a third diamond to your 7. What seemed like a hand where umpteen zillion overtricks would be rolling in, turns out to be a squeaker where you have to settle for nine. If West turns up with four diamonds, give up on that suit and turn your attention to spades. If spades are 3 - 3, you still have nine tricks: five spades, three diamonds and the A.

Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain!

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