The rains are new enough to still carry the smell of the wet Earth. The
trees have had their first proper wash in months and look glorious in their
fresh green colours.
Should South ever have to risk the loss of a trump trick with today’s
solid holding? Not every day, to be sure, only on those days when there is
something greater to gain.
In most games, South wins his ♥A and plays the King and Ace of trumps. A diamond is led and South’s ♦10 goes to West’s Ace. West
cashes a heart, leads another heart to force South to ruff, and it’s all over.
When East’s ♦Q fails to drop under South’s King, the defenders score
a total of one heart, two diamonds and one club, down one.
After winning his heart Ace, South should lead a trump to dummy’s ♠8,
finessing against West’s ♠9. When this wins, South finesses against East’s ♦Q. Later, he returns to dummy with the trump Ace, and the repeated diamond finesse earns him ten
Many will go down only one with today’s cards. Only those with a touch of class will risk down two.
Some people feel the rain, others just get wet!
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Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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