Sunday, 19 June 2016

A Reasonable Hope

A guest from Delhi requested to organise a game of rubber bridge in a comfortable setting, so he can sip his ice-tea and play at leisure.

The guest, whose white crewcut hair contrasted starkly with his sun-tanned face, was the declarer. East won the A and returned the 9 to his K. The guest could count on four clubs, two spades plus the K for seven quick winners. How does he bring two more without relinquishing the lead.

A club to dummy and a spade to South’s 10 wins an easy finesse but that doesn’t get the job done. South gets three spade tricks, just enough to total down one. When South tries to develop a diamond, the defense is ready to beat the game.

The guest from Delhi had only hope to find a singleton 8 or 9 in the West’s hand — a reasonable hope. After winning his K, he crossed to dummy in club to lead the J. East covered with the Q and South won with the A dropping West's singleton 9. Another club led to dummy, and a low spade was led to South’s 7 to win the trick. The 10 was cashed, and now the guest claim his game and rubber, with his whiskers still turned up like scorpion’s tail.

Man is a victim of dope in the incurable form of hope.

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