Sunday, 10 April 2016

Keep your options open

South coasts into the three no-trump via a Stayman sequence. West leads the 2 and South plays dummy’s 3. After a pause, East inserts the 10, which declarer beats with the Q,

For start, East’s long huddle surely confirms possession of a higher honour. South put this knowledge to good use. Whether West has led from three clubs or four, the defenders  cannot readily cash three winners in the suit. Either East’s top club or West’s presumed 9 must block the suit.

With one club in the bag South counted eight tricks. Dummy’s spades offer good prospects of a ninth and a 3-3 heart division will make fourth card in that suit good.

At trick two South led a 2. East smothered the ª10 with the ªJ and switched to a diamond. The declarer took this in hand and again underled the A. when East captured the ªQ with the K, South played K, Q and A. and when the hearts were 3-3 South had nine tricks.

"It is better to keep your options open than your eyes closed!”

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