Sunday, 3 April 2016

Just Calculate

‘April shower brings May flowers’

East captured the first two tricks with the AQ and led his 2. South won his Q. After winning his Q, South crossed to dummy in spades and tried the trump finesse, losing to West’s K. Since the defense was still due a club trick, the game went one down.

All South had to do was just calculate what cards East couldn’t have — the remainder had to be with West. The first two tricks were won by East with the AQ. When South’s Q held, it’s virtual certainty the East had under led the A. Had East also held the K, even a milquetoast would have opened the bidding. East couldn't have had the K.

And if East did not have it, there’s only hope to keep West from scoring the trump King. Up with the A and down with the K and South scores his game and rubber.

“The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.”

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