shower brings May flowers’
East captured the first two tricks with the ♦AQ and led his ♣2. South won his ♣Q. After winning his ♣Q,
South crossed to dummy in spades and tried the trump finesse, losing to West’s ♥K. Since the defense
was still due a club trick, the game went one down.
All South had to do was just calculate what cards East couldn’t have —
the remainder had to be with West. The first two tricks were won by East with
the ♦AQ. When South’s ♣Q
held, it’s virtual certainty the East had under led the ♣A. Had East also held
the ♥K, even a milquetoast would have opened the bidding. East couldn't have
had the ♥K.
And if East did not have it, there’s only hope to keep West from scoring
the trump King. Up with the ♥A and down with the ♥K and South scores his
game and rubber.
“The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days
of the year.”
Blog : http://www.hemadeora.blogspot.in
ID : @HemaDeora
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