Spring is here soon, grass is green and flowers bloom Birds are chirping,
bees are buzzing Leaves are lovely everywhere, spring is finally in the air!
It looks like a pretty good contract. If spade finesse should lose, there
may be one loser in each suit. Here, South has an extra chance — that West has
the ♦K. South should win the §A in hand and let the trump
situation become a secondary concern. He should play the ♦A and continue with a second diamond. If West has the ♦K, West must play it or lose it.
This establishes dummy’s ♦Q for the quick
discard of a losing club.
Now, with no club looser, South can attempt the spade finesse for an overtrick.
When do monkeys fall from the sky? A.
During Ape-ril showers!
Blog : http://www.hemadeora.blogspot.in
ID : @HemaDeora
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