The newest Disney version of The Jungle Book is amazing, and its effects
and visuals, so precise and simple. Mowgli racing through the jungle in the company of his adoptive wolf family, the
Black Panther Bagheera, Baloo the bear and remarkable songs. A ‘must’ watch for
The ♠Q
lead has given South three spade tricks. There are
three tricks in hearts and two tricks in diamonds. The trouble is that even if
diamonds are 3-2, if you give a diamond, a switch to clubs might defeat South.
Given West’s weak jump in spades, East figures to have length in hearts
and therefore, is more likely to hold the ♥J.
The superior line of play is to win the ♠A, cross to the ♥K, finesse the ♥9, cash the ♥A and finesse the ♠10 and so on. As East is unable to cash four or more club tricks.
If your partner can’t follow suit,
Then don’t behave like a brute,
Just smile, nod and chuckle
And next rubber give him the boot!
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ID : @HemaDeora