Sunday, 24 April 2016

Superior Line Of Play

The newest Disney version of The Jungle Book is amazing, and its effects and visuals, so precise and simple. Mowgli racing through the jungle in the company of his adoptive wolf family, the Black Panther Bagheera, Baloo the bear and remarkable songs. A ‘must’ watch for all!

The Q lead has given South three spade tricks. There are three tricks in hearts and two tricks in diamonds. The trouble is that even if diamonds are 3-2, if you give a diamond, a switch to clubs might defeat South.

Given West’s weak jump in spades, East figures to have length in hearts and therefore, is more likely to hold the J.

The superior line of play is to win the A, cross to the K, finesse the 9, cash the A and finesse the 10 and so on. As East is unable to cash four or more club tricks.

If your partner can’t follow suit,
Then don’t behave like a brute,
Just smile, nod and chuckle
And next rubber give him the boot!

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Twitter ID  : @HemaDeora

Monday, 18 April 2016

An Extra Chance

Spring is here soon, grass is green and flowers bloom Birds are chirping, bees are buzzing Leaves are lovely everywhere, spring is finally in the air!

It looks like a pretty good contract. If spade finesse should lose, there may be one loser in each suit. Here, South has an extra chance — that West has the K. South should win the §A in hand and let the trump situation become a secondary concern. He should play the A and continue with a second diamond. If West has the K, West must play it or lose it.

This establishes dummy’s Q for the quick discard of a losing club.

Now, with no club looser, South can attempt the spade finesse for an overtrick.

When do monkeys fall from the sky? A.
During Ape-ril showers!

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Twitter ID  : @HemaDeora

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Keep your options open

South coasts into the three no-trump via a Stayman sequence. West leads the 2 and South plays dummy’s 3. After a pause, East inserts the 10, which declarer beats with the Q,

For start, East’s long huddle surely confirms possession of a higher honour. South put this knowledge to good use. Whether West has led from three clubs or four, the defenders  cannot readily cash three winners in the suit. Either East’s top club or West’s presumed 9 must block the suit.

With one club in the bag South counted eight tricks. Dummy’s spades offer good prospects of a ninth and a 3-3 heart division will make fourth card in that suit good.

At trick two South led a 2. East smothered the ª10 with the ªJ and switched to a diamond. The declarer took this in hand and again underled the A. when East captured the ªQ with the K, South played K, Q and A. and when the hearts were 3-3 South had nine tricks.

"It is better to keep your options open than your eyes closed!”

Blog            :
Twitter ID    : @HemaDeora

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Just Calculate

‘April shower brings May flowers’

East captured the first two tricks with the AQ and led his 2. South won his Q. After winning his Q, South crossed to dummy in spades and tried the trump finesse, losing to West’s K. Since the defense was still due a club trick, the game went one down.

All South had to do was just calculate what cards East couldn’t have — the remainder had to be with West. The first two tricks were won by East with the AQ. When South’s Q held, it’s virtual certainty the East had under led the A. Had East also held the K, even a milquetoast would have opened the bidding. East couldn't have had the K.

And if East did not have it, there’s only hope to keep West from scoring the trump King. Up with the A and down with the K and South scores his game and rubber.

“The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.”

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Twitter ID    : @HemaDeora