West led a
spade to East’s ªA
and spades were continued. South must try for a club ruff in dummy for his
tenth trick. South cannot afford for East to get the lead and play his third
needs to make an avoidance play in the club suit. South must lose both club tricks
to the player with no trump left, and
that is
West. So South should win the trump return in dummy and lead the §8. East
plays low, South must play low. He should not play the §K. That
would allow East to win the second round of clubs and play the fatal third
trump. When South plays low on the §8, West wins his §10 and he
can do no harm.
South can
win any return and on the next round of clubs West would capture South’s §K with his
§A. He is
still trumpless and
South wins
any return and finally get to ruff his third-round club loser in dummy for
game-going trick.
Pain in
this life is not avoidable, but the pain we create avoiding pain is avoidable.
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora