West led
the ♣Q, overtaken by East’s ♣K and
allowed to win. South won the club return and led the ♥J. West covered with the ♥Q. South had to take this lest West would cash a pile of club tricks.
When dummy continued with the ♥10,
East judged
to win. He got out with the ♠J. South
hoped that East could be conned into taking the first diamond. He led the
♦K, but East saw through that ruse and allowed it to win.
decided that East would not let him get to dummy with the diamond suit but there
was another way. South now cashed the top spades and put East in with the fourth
spade. Having nothing but red cards left, East had to lead something that would
allow dummy to gain the lead and South was able to reclaim the heart winners in
is all a matter of building bridges!
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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