Sunday, 27 September 2015

The Best Line

Finally, Mumbaikars bid Lord Ganesha a farewell. The 10 day celebrations of Ganesh Chaturthi came to an end with much joy and some sadness. In the above deal South starts with six top tricks: one spade, three hearts and two clubs. So. three diamond tricks are sufficient,  assuming the opponents cannot collect five tricks first.

South won the first trick with dummy's §K, played a diamond to his ¨ K and continued with the ¨Q. However, East won with his ¨A and returned his second club. When the ¨10 didn't drop under South's jack, the contract was unmakable.

The best line would have been to play a diamond to to¨9. West would have won with the ¨10 and shifted to the ªQ, but South could win with dummy's ªA cross to hand with a heart and continue with the ¨K. South would have lost at most four tricks, two spades and two diamonds.

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.

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