Sunday, 20 September 2015

Niggardly Way

One of the important festivals, Ganesh Chathurthi, was celebrated throughout India on Thursday with a great devotion.  This day is celebrated as birthday of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Lord Ganesha is   the symbol of Wisdom, prosperity and good fortune. South played today’s game in a niggardly way. And with his false economy, he managed to turn a makeable game into a losing effort.West’s K held, and West continued with the 4 after East had encouraged with the 8. East won the A and returned the 3, and defenders had the first four tricks. West exited with a heart. South allowed dummy’s K to hold and thereby fell from grace. When no singleton K appeared, South was forced to concede down one. South had his eyes on the wrong goal. True, he would have had nine tricks had he won the A and K separately. However, since there was no reasonable way to achieve that end without the loss of another trick. South should have ‘wasted’ his A in trade for an entry to his hand. When West shifted to a heart at trick five, South should have overtaken dummy’s K with his A and tried the diamond finesse. When the finesse succeeds South collects two diamond winners, Just enough to score his game.         

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