Today is
Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations to make end of Ramzan, the conclusion of month of
fasting. Muslims of this day were their best clothes and offer 'Namaz' a
congregational prayer at masjids or mosques. The celebrations of Eid-ul-Fitr
not only has religious essence but also carries a social connotation.
West led ª2
against 3 NT, and South captured East's ªJ and led
a diamond to dummy's ¨K, expecting five diamond tricks,
two clubs and another spade. When East discarded a club, South was doomed. He
led the ¨A
and ¨Q
and a fourth diamond, as East threw a spade and two hearts. South won West's
spade return and cashed the fifth diamond, but167East threw another club and
declarer got only the §K and §A. Down
one. The winning play is, South must lead the ¨A at trick
two. Then he can pick up the diamond with finesses against and win nine tricks.
Life with
Men is like Bridge You need a Heart to love them;
A Diamond
to marry them;
A Club to
beat them;
And a
Spade to bury them.
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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