What do
you know? 'Apro' Dara is back in action! He never comes empty handed, always
with a juicy bridge deal and with a ball pen marked with the hotel emblem! Of
course, only for me, for writing his juicy columns I guess!! This time it was
Marco Polo Hotels!
North-South bid naturally and easily to a good slam, and South bought the first
trick on the cheap. The opening lead gave him a free finesse. After winning
with dummy's ©10, South
drew trumps, took the ©A, §A and
discarded a diamond on the §K. When the §Q didn't
fall, declarer threw another diamond on the ©K and led
a diamond. Alas, the position was unguessable: West had the ¨A and ♦Q, and South went down one!
To preserve a dummy entry, he must win with the §A South next cashes the ©A, ruffs a club, takes the A-Q of trumps, ruffs a club draws the
last trump. South can then return to the ©K to
discard three diamonds on the clubs.
Praise the
bridge that carried you over.
Blog : http://www.hemadeora.blogspot.in
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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