the location of a particular honor is marked from the bidding.
Here South
won the
§A and
returned a club. West did best to win and returned a spade which South won in
his hand; ruffed a club, returned to the ♦A,
ruffed his last club, back to the ©K and
played all of his remaining spades. As he was about to play his last spade, he
had last three cards in his hand, a spade, low heart and ♦10. Dummy
had ♦0 and ©AJ. On the play of last spade West had to reduce to two cards and one
must have been the ♦K, the other a heart. Declarer discarded the ♦Q from
dummy and led a heart at trick twelve. West followed with a low heart and
South hopped up with the ©A. West's
other card was the ♦K and
obviously, the ©Q dropped doubleton from East.
Praise the
bridge that carried you over.
Blog : http://www.hemadeora.blogspotin
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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