Sunday, 26 July 2015

A Basic Error

Like flamingos. bridge players migrate to various places for bridge tournaments. This time, the destination is Goa, the city of beaches and palm trees.

West led the ªJ, won by the Ace. A club to the Ace won (West playing the§9) and §8 was continued toward dummy. West showed out so South ducked in dummy and East took his §J. The spade return did not do much to harm declarer. He was able to give East a club trick and in time was able to take three spades, two hearts, one diamond, and three clubs for nine tricks.

While the play can go in various ways, it is true that the defense did not go well. There a basic error was made.

East should let South win the second club trick. East will get the third club trick but with only one remaining entry to dummy, South can't set up and then use dummy's last trick. With diamonds being sour too, a South rate to go down one if the defense doesn't err along the way. He will take three spades, two hearts, one diamond, and only two clubs. By giving declarer an early club trick, the defense stops South from getting two club tricks later on.
When does it rain money? When there is 'change' in the weather!

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Twitter ID  : @HemaDeora

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Winning Play

Today is Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations to make end of Ramzan, the conclusion of month of fasting. Muslims of this day were their best clothes and offer 'Namaz' a congregational prayer at masjids or mosques. The celebrations of Eid-ul-Fitr not only has religious essence but also carries a social connotation.

Today's West led ª2 against 3 NT, and South captured East's ªJ and led a diamond to dummy's ¨K, expecting five diamond tricks, two clubs and another spade. When East discarded a club, South was doomed. He led the ¨A and ¨Q and a fourth diamond, as East threw a spade and two hearts. South won West's spade return and cashed the fifth diamond, but167East threw another club and declarer got only the §K and §A. Down one. The winning play is, South must lead the ¨A at trick two. Then he can pick up the diamond with finesses against and win nine tricks.

Life with Men is like Bridge You need a Heart to love them;

A Diamond to marry them;

A Club to beat them;

And a Spade to bury them.

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Twitter ID  : @HemaDeora

Monday, 13 July 2015

The honour is marked

Sometimes the location of a particular honor is marked from the bidding.

Here South won the §A and returned a club. West did best to win and returned a spade which South won in his hand; ruffed a club, returned to the A, ruffed his last club, back to the  ©K and played all of his remaining spades. As he was about to play his last spade, he had last three cards in his hand, a spade, low heart and 10. Dummy had 0 and ©AJ. On the play of last spade West had to reduce to two cards and one must have been the K, the other a heart. Declarer discarded the  Q from dummy and led a heart at trick twelve. West followed with a low heart and South hopped up with the ©A. West's other card was the K  and obviously, the ©Q dropped doubleton from East.

Praise the bridge that carried you over.

Blog          : http://www.hemadeora.blogspotin
Twitter ID  : @HemaDeora

Monday, 6 July 2015

Unguessable Position

What do you know? 'Apro' Dara is back in action! He never comes empty handed, always with a juicy bridge deal and with a ball pen marked with the hotel emblem! Of course, only for me, for writing his juicy columns I guess!! This time it was Marco Polo Hotels!

Today's North-South bid naturally and easily to a good slam, and South bought the first trick on the cheap. The opening lead gave him a free finesse. After winning with dummy's  ©10, South drew trumps, took the ©A, §A and discarded a diamond on the §K. When the §Q didn't fall, declarer threw another diamond on the ©K and led a diamond. Alas, the position was unguessable: West had the ¨A and Q, and South went down one!

To preserve a dummy entry, he must win with the §A South next cashes the ©A, ruffs a club, takes the A-Q of trumps, ruffs a club draws the last trump. South can then return to the ©K to discard three diamonds on the clubs.

Praise the bridge that carried you over.       

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Twitter ID  : @HemaDeora